Thursday, March 1, 2012

Leap Day

fitting the linings

almost ready for glue-up
Leap day turned out warm and sunny, but windy.  The guitar-making skills are returning and I accomplished a bit in the shop.  The ribs for L's guitar were trimmed to size and the linings were fitted and tentellones were cut up, and the butt block was made and fitted.  A glue-up of the top, sides and neck is not far off.  These pics show the top and sides in the mold. 

 I aching to get my hands on the rosewood that's to be used for C's guitar.  It's been quietly aclimatizing in my wood cabinet.  I'm anxious to see how it feels and smells and how difficult or easy it is to work with.  I was looking at the piece of Brazilian I'll be using to make bridges with and it rings like a bell.  It is very dense wood and this piece is highly figured depending on which way I cut it. 

I will begin work on the fretboards for all three guitars, but during my visit with my first guitar teacher, he mentioned that he had some very old, very black ebony fret board blanks.  I have some as well, but I may talk to him about acquiring some of these along with some other guitar wood that he has stashed.  This will take a trip to South Bend, but I look forward to another visit with him anyway.  The top material he has is very old, mostly cedar, I think and the back and side sets are Indian Rosewood.

More work today..see ya later.

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